Web site: http://kaf-pe.kpi.ua
Head of the Department: Doctor of Technical Science, Professor Valeriy Yakovlevich Zhuykov, ph. 236-21-17, 406-82-93
Department of Industrial Electronics (IE) was founded in 1962. It is part of the Faculty of Electronics at National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”. Over the years the Department has trained 4540 engineers, from 1997 ear – 64 masters, more than 180 specialists for other states. More than 60 students of the Department become candidates of technical sciences, 9 – doctors.
Nowadays, the department includes: 21 full professors, including 4 doctors oftechnical sciences and 12 candidates of technical sciences.
The Department provides basic training for specialists in electronics on specialty “electronic systems” in a broad range of disciplines which conform today’s trends of scientific and information technology development, by following programs:
Bachelor of Electronics — term of training – 4 years;
Master of Electronics – term of training – 6 years;
Forms of learning in IE department – full- and part-time.
In general, the following main directions of training at the Department of IE can be identified:
- development and designing of microprocessor devices and control systems;
- control and regulation of a wide destination;
- development and designing of power electronic devices and systems;
- transformation and adjustment of parameters of electric energy;
- computer design methods and information processing;
- usage of information computer technology in control and display devices;
- exploitation and maintenance of electronic equipment of a wide destination.
Focusing on development of computer and microprocessor systems provides knowledge of hardware and software. Especially pay attention to the fact that on the department discipline “Microprocessor Technology,” taught for 4 semesters – such focus on study is explained by that fact that practically any modern electronic control system can be realized on the microprocessor (microcontroller) bases.
In the process of bachelor preparation, students learn a number of interrelated disciplines, which allow to understand the operating principle of the various apparatuses and electronics devices, learn methods of analyzing processes in them and learn to calculate elements of electronic systems. Students learn methods of designing and constructing of electronic devices and systems, considering the questions of their maintenance and exploitation. Preparation of Masters is in two directions: Master of Engineering – professionals in the development and maintenance of electronic equipment and Masters of Science – training for research in power electronics, computer and microprocessor techniques.
The graduates of the Department of Industrial Electronics specializing in “electronic device systems” are capable of developing analog, digital, microprocessor and converting electronic devices using computer and network design technologies, independently. A wide profile and a high level of training of specialists enable them to master the adjacent areas of education, methods and means of development and production of electronic systems in various areas, easily.
Young professionals has 100% rate of employment in Ukraine, some of them find jobs in the leading European e-profile firms such as Philips, Siemens etc., are having their professional job in the U.S., Canada and many other developed countries. In recent years, after graduating from the department, students are employed in such firms and institutions, as “Information Computer Systems (INCOM),” Information Software Systems (IRZ), “Reputation Banking equipment”, Institute of Electrodynamics NAS, Quasar-Micro and other enterprises of Kyiv and Ukraine. History of industrial electronics (IE) department begins in fifty’s years, when the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, at that time the Kiev Polytechnic Institute, Department of Technical Electronics was organized (later changed its name to ” electronic and ion devices “) and Department of “Physics of Dielectrics” (later changed its name to “dielectrics and semiconductors”).
The first set of students to department of Engineering and Physics was held in 1948. Many graduates from the first and subsequent sets became outstanding experts, prominent scientists.
In June 1962, on basis of the Department of ionic and electronic devices was organized, as profiling, department of industrial electronics (IE) and professor Rudenko V.C. became its head, till 1995. Since 1995 the department headed by Dr.Tech.Sci prof. Zhuykov V.J.
The department is known in Ukraine and far abroad for its scientific development, textbooks and monographs. Work of the department, as some of its students, protected by many patents of the USSR and Ukraine. Every year students of the department are the winners and prize-winners of faculty and common institute competitions among diploma.
The department cooperates with universities of the CIS and foreign countries, including Germany, France, Sweden, Poland and Bulgaria. Every two years the Department of Industrial Electronics organizes International scientific and technical Conference “Problems of modern electronics”, which strengthens the cooperation of the Department with other agencies, helps to build new relationships.
Also, staff and students of the department participate in scientific conferences and seminars on electronics, energy-conserving and energy-efficiency, information technology, telecommunications and other profile related specialty.
Training at the Department of IE allows students to feel confident in modern informational computerized environment demands qualified developers of various electronic equipment and successful people.
Therefore, those who interested in learning useful and interesting profession, who is carefully prepared for active work in modern society are invited to join the Faculty of Electronics of NTUU “KPI”, specializing in “electronic systems”.