Web site: http://me.kpi.ua
E-mail: kaf143fel.kpi.ua
Head of the department: member of the National Academy of science of Ukraine, member of the International academy of higher schools, thrice prize-winner of the State prize, Honoured Scientist, Doctor of Technical Science, First prorector at the NTUU “KPI”, professor Jakymenko Jurij Ivanovych, tel. 241-76-91, secretary: 236-20-82.
The department was founded in 1952.
The department trains bachelors in electronics, as well as masters by specialization “Information microelectronic systems “and” Micro-and nanoelectronics”.
Specialty “Micro-and nanoelectronics” has specialization
Information microelectronic systems
Micro and nanoelectronic devices and equipments
The department has modern educational laboratories, computer classes, local computer network which is connected to worldwide computer network INTERNET.
In 1994 the Research Institute of Applied Electronics was established on the basis of the department, which provides scientific researches in the following aspects:
- Development and implementation of the State scientific and technical programs for the deployment of piezoceramic materials and components;
- Development and implementation of functional electronics based on ferroelectric and piezomaterials;
- Development and implementation of piezoelectric engines;
- Research and development of dielectric and other materials for microwave devices;
- Development of optoelectronics materials and devices;
- Development and implementation of photoelectric energy convertors;
- Development and implementation of physical quantity sensors based on the advances of microelectronics technology;
- Research, development and implementation of medical electronics instruments.
The Department is a member of the European scientific and educational programs and has business relations with many universities from U.S.A and Western Europe. Graduates are working in various enterprises, scientific research institutions, governmental institutions and commercial structures.