Site: ee.kpi.ua
e-mail: infoee.kpi.ua
The Head of the Chair:Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Timofeev Vladimir Ivanovich,
tel. 236-51-50
The department was founded in 1974. From its foundation the training of specialists at the department included the studying of general engineering disciplines: physical fundamentals of electronics, semiconductors, electron and ion devices, measurements in electronics, basic circuits and systems theory, analog and digital circuitry, microelectronics.
Now the department is training specialists in such qualification levels:
Bachelor’s Degree in the field of:
- «Micro-and Nanoelectronics»
Master’s degree in the field of:
- «Computer simulation of micro-and nanostructures”
- « Electronic and information biomedical systems”
- «Microwave Electronics”
After successful graduation you will be expert in such areas:
MICRO-AND NANOSTRUCTURES AND ELECTRONICS COMPONENTS, integrated micro and nanotechnology, the physical basis of sensors operation, computer modeling of nanoelectronic structures, components and systems, physical and topological modeling of submicron devices and equipments, biomedical nanotechnology, ultra-high frequency electronics, the interaction of biological objects with physical fields, ultra-high frequency and high-speed devices, laser equipments, computer aided modeling of electromagnetic fields and ultra-high frequency systems features.
CIRCUITRY AND MICROELECTRONIC SYSTEM ENGINEERING of computer information processing systems, methods and tools for designing new electronic devices based on the use of physical phenomena in semiconductors and dielectrics, working with modern software for design and simulation of electronic circuits PSpice, OrCAD, P-CAD, analog and digital circuitry, computer circuitry, microcircuitry, modern microprocessor technology.
COMPUTER ELECTRONIC BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS, computer diagnostic systems for ECG, ultrasound, electroencephalography, smart monitoring the condition of the body, biometric identification systems, ultrasound, nuclear magnetic and X-ray computed tomography, computer decision support system doctor, automated interpretation of diagnostic data.
TELECOMMUNICATION SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS of general and special purpose and components, design and diagnosis components of telecommunications and data systems, telemedicine system based on computer and satellite networks, wireless technology, wireless communication systems and their components, fiber optic systems and network.
PROGRAMMING AND COMPUTER SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT, architecture and software for personal computers, software development of computer systems in the languages ??C, C + +, Visual C, MatLAB, development and implementation of intelligent computer software and hardware systems schematic complexes , computer modeling, and intelligent data processing systems, methods and tools for digital signal processing and analysis.
The department involves for teaching professional disciplines doctors and candidates of technical, physical, mathematical, medical and biological sciences, teachers from specialized institutes of the National Academy of Sciences, specialists in industrial and research partners’ department. There are 8 doctors, 12 candidates, 10 professors and 5 associate professors at the department.
The department has at its disposal two modern computer labs, a computerized learning lab of computational methods in electronics, laboratory diagnostics, ultra-high frequency physics, biotechnology, solid state electronics, metrology, analog and digital circuitry, the theory of electronic circuits.
Together with major specialty, students gain knowledge of specialization getting along economic education, learning foreign languages. The best students continue their education in postgraduate school of KPI. The department has extensive international links (South Korea, Germany, USA, Mexico), the best students of the department have the opportunity to undergo training abroad. Beginning from the third year of studies students of the department at will undergo training at a military department to obtain an officer rank.
Members of the department published over 1100 scientific papers, received 85 patents. Only in the last three years 5 patents for physiotherapy devices were received. Research works were exhibited at international fairs, exhibitions and republican fairs and exhibitions of KPI. The Department organizes annual international conferences on the problems of physical and biomedical electronics.
100% of department graduates are employed in firms of Ukraineand around the world.
Our students and graduates pass pre practices and work after graduation in the partner organizations of the Department:
Company «TESCOM» – development and production of measuring devices for wireless communications: http://www.tescom-lab.com/
Company «System Integration Service» – an authorized partner of Cisco Systems and IBM: http://www.sis.com.ua
State Enterprise Plant “Arsenal” – a special engineering and design office
Company «DATAGROUP» – leader in the field of satellite telecommunications services to corporate clients: http://datagroup.com.ua
: http://www.naverex.kiev.ua/~ wel
Corporation Inc. “- a leader in the introduction of modern telecommunications and information technology: http://incom.ua
“Medservice-guarantor” – a leader in complex equipment of medical establishments and sales of diagnostic equipment: http://www.medservice.kiev.ua
Ltd. Eltis-Components – a leading supplier of electronic components and instrumentation: http://www.eltis.ua
Ltd. “Mercy” – a supplier of technological equipment for medical laboratories: http://www.merci.kiev.ua
«Citius» -a group of fixed telephony and Internet service providers: http://citius.datagroup.ua
Company “Skif”: http://www.skif.net.ua
Company Profimed – supply and service support of the medical and analytical equipment: http://www.profimed.com.ua
Company BTL-Ukraine – development, production and sale of medical equipment: http://www.btlnet.com
Ltd. LABIKS – sale, installation, training, support, provision of laboratory equipment: http://www.labix.com.ua
Company “Luxoft” – one of the world’s leading software developers: http://www.luxoft.com
Company «BeeLine» – mobile operator: http://www.beeline.ua
Astelit – mobile operator Life: http://www.life.com.ua, etc.